Demystifying the Basics: Your Guide to CSS Syntax and Rules

In web design, CSS transforms bare HTML structures into visually captivating and user-friendly websites. Grasping the fundamental building block — the CSS rule — is key to unlocking the power of design.

Dissecting the Building Block

A CSS rule is a fundamental unit composed of two essential components:

  1. Selector:

    This identifies the specific HTML element(s) the rule applies to. Selectors offer precision, targeting elements by:

    • Tag name: h1, p, img (targets all elements of that type).
    • Class name: .error, .special-button (targets elements with that specific class attribute).
    • ID: #unique-element, #main-content (targets a unique element with that specific ID attribute).
    • Combinators: h2 + p, .sidebar > ul (combines selectors to target specific groups of elements).
  2. Declaration Block:

    This defines the visual characteristics of the selected elements. Enclosed within curly braces {}, it comprises one or more declarations, each composed of:

    • Property: color, font-size, background-color (specifies what you want to style).
    • Value: red, 30px, #fff (defines the desired style).
    • Separator: : (separates the property from its value).


h1 {
  color: red;
  font-size: 30px;
  font-weight: bold;

This example targets all <h1> elements (selector) and defines three properties within the declaration block:

  • color: red paints the text red.
  • font-size: 30px increases the font size.
  • font-weight: bold adds emphasis.

Additional Selectors

  • Descendant: ul li, p a (selects elements within another element).
  • Pseudo-classes: :hover, :active (apply styles based on user interaction).
  • Pseudo-elements: ::before, ::after (add content before or after an element).

Combining Selectors

Use multiple selectors to target specific groups of elements. For instance, .container pre {} styles all <pre> elements within an element with the class .container.

Specificity and Cascade

When multiple rules target the same element, specificity determines which rule takes precedence. Rules with higher specificity override those with lower specificity. We will cover these in greater detail in the coming chapters

Additional Points

  • Inheritance: Styles are inherited by child elements unless overridden.
  • Nesting: Group rules for related elements using nested declaration blocks.
  • Media Queries: Adapt styles for different screen sizes and devices.
  • Comments: Use comments (/* comment */) to explain your code for better readability.

This reference guide provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of CSS syntax and rules, equipping you with the knowledge to embark on your design journey. Remember, practice is key! Experiment, explore, and unleash your creative vision.