Understanding CSS Inheritance

In CSS, inheritance governs how styles are applied to elements within a document. It's a crucial concept for building consistent and modular layouts, and it plays a significant role in cascading styles and specificity.

What Does it Mean?

Imagine a tree structure representing your HTML document, with elements nested within each other. Inheritance dictates how styles applied to parent elements are passed down to their descendants. By default, some CSS properties inherit their values from their parents, while others don't.

Inheritance vs. Cascading

Inheritance differs from cascading, which determines which style rule prevails when multiple rules apply to the same element. While inheritance dictates the initial value, cascading determines the final value applied.

Inherited Properties

Here's a summary of inherited and non-inherited properties:


  • Font properties (font-family, font-size, font-weight, etc.)
  • Text properties (color, line-height, text-decoration, etc.)
  • List properties (list-style-type, list-style-position, etc.)
  • Border properties (border-width, border-style, border-color, etc.)
  • Padding and margin properties
  • Background properties
  • Visibility and display properties


  • Positioning properties (position, top, left, etc.)
  • Box properties (box-sizing, box-shadow, etc.)
  • Dimension properties (width, height, max-width, etc.)
  • Overflow properties (overflow, overflow-x, overflow-y, etc.)

Understanding the 'inherit' Keyword

The inherit keyword explicitly sets a property's value to the computed value of its parent element. This allows you to override the default inheritance behavior and explicitly inherit a specific value.


body {
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;

p {
    font-family: inherit;

In this example, all <p> elements will inherit the font-family value set on the body element, which is "Arial, sans-serif".

Benefits of Inheritance

  • Reduced code: By inheriting styles from parents, you can avoid repeating the same code for each element. This keeps your CSS clean and maintainable.
  • Consistency: Inheritance helps ensure consistent styling across your site, creating a visually unified experience.
  • Modular design: You can build reusable components with styles defined in parent elements and inherited by child elements.

Understanding Specificity

Specificity plays a crucial role when multiple styles apply to an element. If a child element has a more specific style rule than its parent, the child's rule will take precedence. Specificity can override inheritance behavior.

Additional Notes:

  • Some properties have specific rules regarding inheritance. For example, the color property will inherit the value from the nearest ancestor with a non-transparent color.
  • You can reset inherited properties using the initial keyword.


Understanding CSS inheritance is essential for building efficient and maintainable styles. By leveraging inheritance effectively, you can create consistent, modular layouts and streamline your development process.