Understanding Floats and Clearing in CSS: A Comprehensive Guide

Floats, a powerful tool in CSS layout, allow elements to "float" to the left or right of the surrounding text, creating flexible and dynamic arrangements. However, mastering floats requires an understanding of "clearing" techniques to prevent content overlap and achieve desired layouts.

What are Floats?

  • Floats are inline elements assigned float: left, float: right, or float: none (default).
  • Floated elements break from the normal document flow and occupy available space alongside the left or right margin.
  • Remaining inline elements wrap around the floated element, flowing beneath it like text around an image.

Understanding Clear Properties:

Clearing defines how subsequent content behaves relative to a floated element.

Various clear values dictate whether content flows above, below, or around the floated element.

Clearing Values and Examples:

clear: none: (default)

<div style="float: left;">Float me</div>
<p>No clear applied, so this text overlaps!</p>

clear: left: Subsequent content flows beneath any floated elements on the left.

<div style="float: left;">Float me</div>
<p style="clear: left;">Clear left, so this text flows correctly.</p>

clear: right: Subsequent content flows beneath any floated elements on the right.

<div style="float: right;">Float me</div>
<p style="clear: right;">Clear right, so this text flows correctly.</p>

clear: both: Subsequent content flows beneath any floated elements on both sides.

<div style="float: left;">Float me</div>
<div style="float: right;">Float me too</div>
<p style="clear: both;">Clear both, so this text flows beneath both floats.</p>

clear: inherit: Inherits the clearing value of its parent element.

<div style="clear: right;">Clear right applies to all children</div>
<p>This text also avoids the floated element due to inherited clearing.</p>

Additional Points:

  • Clearing applies to the next element in the document flow, not elements directly after the floated element.
  • Use clearing strategically to avoid unintended overlap and ensure content follows your desired layout.
  • Always specify appropriate clearing values to prevent layout ambiguities and improve document accessibility.

Beyond the Basics:

  • Utilize clearing with pseudo-classes like `:after` for flexible and creative layout solutions.
  • Remember, excessive clearing can lead to unexpected behavior; use it judiciously for optimal results.


Floats and clearing offer powerful layout capabilities in CSS. By understanding their behavior and employing the appropriate techniques, you can design visually appealing and functionally effective web pages.