CSS Mixins: Mastering re-usable code in CSS

A mixin is a powerful feature of CSS preprocessors, such as Sass, Less, or Stylus, that allows you to write reusable style rules and apply them to various elements. In this article, you will learn what mixins are, how they are used, what are the rules and syntax for defining and using them, what are some common use cases and variations, what are the benefits and drawbacks of using mixins, and what are some best practices for writing and maintaining mixins.

What is a Mixin?

A mixin is a block of code that contains any CSS properties, values, selectors, or even other mixins. You can think of a mixin as a function that takes some arguments and returns some CSS code. A mixin can help you avoid repeating the same style rules over and over again, and make your code more concise, maintainable, and consistent.

How to Use a Mixin?

To use a mixin, you need two steps: defining and including. Defining a mixin means creating a mixin with a name and optionally some parameters. Including a mixin means applying a mixin to a rule set with a name and optionally some arguments.

The syntax for defining and including a mixin depends on the preprocessor you are using. For example, in Sass, you use the @mixin directive to define a mixin, and the @include directive to include a mixin. Here is an example of a mixin that sets the border-radius property:

@mixin rounded($radius) {
  border-radius: $radius;

Here is an example of including the mixin in another rule set:

.button {
  @include rounded(10px);

This will compile to the following CSS:

.button {
  border-radius: 10px;

What are the Rules and Syntax for Mixins?

There are some rules and syntax that you need to follow when defining and using mixins. Here are some of them:

  • The name of a mixin should be descriptive and meaningful, and follow the naming convention of your preprocessor. For example, in Sass, you should use hyphens or underscores to separate words, such as rounded-corners or rounded_corners.
  • The parameters of a mixin should be enclosed in parentheses, and separated by commas. You can also assign default values to the parameters, which will be used if no arguments are passed. For example, @mixin rounded($radius: 5px).
  • The arguments of a mixin should be enclosed in parentheses, and separated by commas. You can also use named arguments, which allow you to specify the parameter name and value, and pass them in any order. For example, @include rounded($radius: 10px).
  • The body of a mixin should contain valid CSS code, and can also include other mixins, variables, functions, or control directives. You can also use interpolation, which allows you to insert variables or expressions into selectors or properties. For example, @mixin animation($name) { animation-name: #{$name}; }.
  • The scope of a mixin is global, which means you can use it anywhere in your style sheet, unless you use the !global flag, which makes it local to the current scope. For example, @mixin local-mixin() { ... } !global.

What are Some Common Use Cases and Variations for Mixins?

Mixins can be used for various purposes and scenarios, such as:

  • Vendor prefixes: You can use mixins to add vendor prefixes to CSS properties that are not fully supported by all browsers, such as transform, transition, or box-shadow. For example,
                                @mixin transform($value) {
      -webkit-transform: $value;
      -moz-transform: $value;
      -ms-transform: $value;
      transform: $value;
  • Media queries: You can use mixins to create responsive design rules that apply to different screen sizes, orientations, or resolutions. For example,
                                @mixin mobile($width) {
      @media (max-width: $width) {
  • Animations: You can use mixins to create complex animations with keyframes, timing, and iteration. For example,
                            @mixin bounce($duration, $count) {
      animation: bounce $duration infinite $count;   @keyframes bounce {
        0%, 100% {
          transform: translateY(0);
        } 50% {
          transform: translateY(-20px);
  • Themes: You can use mixins to create different themes or color schemes for your website or app, and switch between them easily. For example,
                                @mixin theme($color) {
      background-color: $color;
      color: contrast($color);

There are also some variations of mixins that offer different functionalities or syntax, such as:

  • Extends: Extends are similar to mixins, but they use the @extend directive instead of the @include directive. Extends allow you to inherit the style rules from another rule set, and merge them with your own. Extends can help you reduce code duplication and specificity, but they can also create unexpected results or conflicts if not used carefully. For example,
                                .error {
      @extend .message;
      border-color: red;
  • Functions: Functions are similar to mixins, but they use the @function directive instead of the @mixin directive. Functions allow you to return a single value, rather than a block of code. Functions can help you perform calculations, conversions, or manipulations on your CSS values, and use them in your style rules. For example,
                            @function darken($color, $amount) {
      return mix(black, $color, $amount);
  • Placeholders: Placeholders are similar to mixins, but they use the % symbol instead of the @mixin directive. Placeholders allow you to create reusable rule sets that are not outputted to CSS, unless they are extended by another rule set. Placeholders can help you create abstract or generic style rules that can be customized or modified by other rule sets. For example,
                            %message {
      padding: 10px;
      border: 1px solid;

What are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Mixins?

Mixins are one of the most useful and compelling reasons to use a CSS preprocessor. They can help you create more elegant, efficient, and powerful style sheets. However, they are not a silver bullet, and you should use them wisely and responsibly. Some of the benefits of using mixins are:

  • They reduce code duplication and repetition.
  • They improve readability and clarity of your code.
  • They make your code more modular and scalable.
  • They allow you to create custom functions and logic for your style rules.
  • They enable you to use advanced CSS features with less hassle.

Some of the drawbacks of using mixins are:

  • They require a preprocessor and a compilation step, which adds some complexity to your workflow.
  • They can create code bloat and specificity issues if not used carefully.
  • They can make debugging more difficult if the source maps are not available or accurate.

What are Some Best Practices for Writing and Maintaining Mixins?

To write and maintain mixins effectively, you should follow some best practices, such as:

  • Use descriptive and meaningful names for your mixins and parameters, and follow the naming convention of your preprocessor.
  • Use default values and named arguments for your parameters, and make them optional or flexible.
  • Use interpolation and @content to make your mixins more dynamic and adaptable.
  • Use mixins for style rules that are reusable, complex, or prone to change, and avoid using them for simple or static rules.
  • Use mixins sparingly and selectively, and avoid overusing or abusing them.
  • Use mixins in combination with other features of your preprocessor, such as variables, functions, or control directives, to create more powerful and expressive style rules.
  • Use mixins in conjunction with other CSS techniques, such as inheritance, cascade, or specificity, to create more efficient and elegant style sheets.
  • Use comments and documentation to explain the purpose and usage of your mixins, and keep them updated and consistent.


Mixins are a powerful feature of CSS preprocessors that allow you to write reusable style rules and apply them to various elements. They can help you write more concise, maintainable, and consistent code, and enable you to use advanced CSS features with less hassle. However, they also have some drawbacks and limitations, and you should use them wisely and responsibly. To learn more about mixins and how to use them with different preprocessors, you can check out these resources: