CSS Specificity and Cascade: Mastering Rule Precedence

Two key concepts govern how elements are visually presented in web development: specificity and cascade. These seemingly esoteric terms hold the power to determine which styles ultimately take precedence, shaping the visual experience of your website. Understanding their intricacies is crucial for mastering CSS and achieving the desired visual outcome. This reference article delves into the depths of specificity and cascade, unraveling their mysteries and equipping you with the knowledge to confidently wield them for optimal web design.

Specificity: The Weight of a Rule

Imagine competing rules vying to style the same element. Specificity determines which rule wins and takes precedence. It's assigned a value based on the types of selectors used, with higher values having greater weight:

  1. ID: Highest specificity. Targets a unique element with a specific ID (e.g., #hero-section).
  2. Class, attribute, pseudo-class, pseudo-element: Moderate specificity. Targets elements based on class, attribute, or state (e.g. .error, [type="text"], :hover).
  3. Tag name, universal selector (*): Lowest specificity. Targets all elements of a specific type or all elements (e.g. h2, *).


<h1 class="error" id="main-content">This is a heading</h1>

h1 { color: red; } /* Specificity: 1 */ 
.error { color: blue; } /* Specificity: 2 */
#main-content h1 { color: green; } /* Specificity: 3 */

In this scenario, the #main-content h1 rule has the highest specificity (3), overriding both the h1 and .error rules. Therefore, the heading will be displayed in green, highlighting its importance.

Cascade: The Order of Application

Even with equal specificity, rules are applied in a specific order:

  1. User agent styles: Default styles applied by the browser.
  2. Imported styles: Styles from external style sheets (e.g., @import url("styles.css")).
  3. Inline styles: Styles directly applied within the HTML element (e.g., <h1 style="color: purple;">This is a heading</h1>).
  4. Embedded styles: Styles defined within the <style> tag in the HTML document.
  5. Reverse order of declaration: If multiple rules with the same specificity target an element, the last declared rule wins.


<h1 style="color: purple;">This is a heading</h1>

@import url("styles.css");

h1 {
    color: red;

Here, the inline style applied to the <h1> element takes precedence despite the lower specificity, as it comes later in the cascade.

Key Points to Remember

  • Use specific selectors with high specificity for better control and predictable results.
  • Avoid excessive specificity to maintain code readability and avoid unintended consequences.
  • Understand the cascade order when using multiple styles to ensure the desired visual outcome.
  • Use developer tools to inspect element styles and identify the applied rule and its specificity.

Mastering specificity and cascade empowers you to become a confident and effective web designer. By applying this knowledge, you can craft websites with consistent design and ensure that your visual intentions are accurately reflected on the screen.